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World Prematurity Day 17th November - Always a NICU Mum - Theory Test 2 with NICU Natter founder Charlotte

As part of our commemoration of World Prematurity Awareness we are testing the a theory suggested by our founder Helen - Once a NICU Mum, always a NICU Mum.
Today we are interviewing Charlotte Meyers, founder of NICU Natter on Instagram, a vibrant online community for NICU parents providing advice and support.  The page is now run by a group of NICU mums specifically for NICU parents.  Here at Lovely NICU Gifts we love the content on NICU Natter and how it supports NICU parents with really informative support and how it gives an insight into a huge variety of issues and situations faced in NICU.  
The very fact that she launched and remains passionate about NICU Natter has made Helen suspect that Charlotte would also subscribe to the theory Once a NICU Mum, always NICU Mum, so we were delighted to get the opportunity to interview Charlotte to see what her thoughts were:   Enjoy x
What gestation did your baby arrive and what weight was he?
Theo was born at 26+6 weeks and weighed 1065g
Which NICU did you stay in and for how long?
Stoke Mandeville hospital for 93 days with a short stint at John Radcliffe too
Did you have any scary moments?
When he got a chest infection and was moved back to intensive care, that was really scary.
Did friends and family understand your situation?
Yes they were excellent 
Do you look back on the time fondly or with pain/anxiety?
I look back on it with gratitude that we are no longer there 
How did your NICU experience shape or change your life personally if at all?  
It has made me rethink my idea of having more children, I am more aware of how fragile life can be and it has made me appreciate how resilient my family are.
How do you feel when you hear about/meet other parents of premature babies?
I feel like I have met a kindred spirit who understands what we went through

Your thoughts on ''Once a NICU Mum always a NICU Mum’?

I wholeheartedly believe this!


If you have a baby in NICU or know someone who has, take a look at Charlottes Instagram account @nicunatter.   

We'd like to thank Charlotte for sparing us the time to talk to us. 

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